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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

UAHPAY as the energy of the banking economy in the world today

The world economy is projected to grow by 2.7 percent in 2017 and 2.9 percent by 2018. This suggests that the global economy has not risen from a slow growth period.

Underlying a sluggish global economy is the weak pace of global investment, reduced world trade growth, sluggish productivity growth and high debt levels.

In order to restore the global economy to a healthy growth path in the medium term, a more balanced policy approach is required.

Effective financial regulation and incentives will mobilize resources and encourage investment in inclusive and resilient infrastructure, social services and green technologies. In addition, policies will foster a vibrant business environment aligned with sustainable development, including inclusive access to finance, transparent administrative procedures and an effective regulatory framework.

What is UAHPAY ?

UAHPay was founded by blockchain specialists with strong Cryptography and development skills. Already successful in the online space the founders of UAHPay have now set their ambitions to changing a Nation and restoring trust in the banking system. Using existing blockchain technology and fiat platforms already in place we seek to provide a Cryptobank, ICO trading platform for Ukraine and the World.

UAHPay has been in development for over a year. Its core focus has been developing the blockchain technology, trading platform and app that will power the platform. UAHPay has assembled an expert management team with a diverse range of skills from cryptocurrency, Ukraine Politics, banking and security.

UAHPAY has a Vision in Cryptocurrency is the power to change the state. In Ukraine almost everyone has their own homes, vehicles due to financial instability caused by the Government and social reform. During this time many banks steal it’s Citizens money. UAHPAY seeks to implement Government-supported cryptocurrency & Banks that will restore confidence in financial institutions. Users will hold multiple currencies in a secure payment system that can not be stolen with a single attack.

Value of UAHPAY

Integrated bank accounts with IBAN and SWIFT, Visa & Mastercard’s debit, instant foreign exchange and online payment processing. All services will support fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.
Participate in Initial Coin Offerings and buy Cryptocurrerncies with our revolutionary online trading platform. Our goal is to provide a legal and regulated Government sponsored trading network.
Trade commodity backed Cryptocurrencies and other investment products such as Crypto Mortgage Bonds (CMB’s) and Crypto Hedge Funds (CHF’S).
Cashback in UAH with each spend with UAHPAY Platinum card. Instant conversions from BTC and ETH. Our cards are accepted at over 30M merchants.
Merchant processing & blockchain Anti-Fraud solutions which use our revolutionary Artificial Intelligence & Biometric Anti-Fraud protection.
Need tickets to the big game? Marriage Proposal? Airline Tickets or Hotel? We have you covered with our 24/7 concierge service.


The UAHPAY Tokens will be allocated among the participants of the Pre-ICO and our ICO. Our advisors and management will also be issued tokens as our business progresses. 

PRE-ICO Participants will be allocated 10% of all tokens issued ICO Participants will be allocated 40% of all tokens issued SECONDARY COIN OFFERING participants will be issued 30% of all tokens management Team and Employees will be allocated the 9% of all tokens remaining over time for performance bonuses. 1% of all tokens will be used for bounties during the Pre-ICO and ICO phase.

Advisors & Political Advisors will receive 5% of all tokens for their insights and guidance. The final 5% of our issued tokens will be used as a company reserve for future project investment and lobbying efforts in Ukraine. The final 5% of our issued tokens will be used as a company reserve for future project investment and lobbying efforts in Ukraine.


The development of UAHPay has come a long way in a very short time. Our continuing efforts Politically in Ukraine has placed us in direct contact with high level Ministers and other parties that will have a positive influence on when we officially launch our platform to the general public. Recent developments include being invited to speak at the Kiev International Economic Forum where over 1,500 highly influential political and partners will be attending.

Details Information :

Whitepaper : here

ANN Thread Bitcointalk :


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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

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