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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

TokenPay, Banking and Private Exchange

Digital currencies are often called cryptocurrencies due to complicated technical details related to cryptography, but do not start here. When to look back at human history, from the shells of Asia to the first coin in the ancient kingdom, mankind first saw the money printed in medieval times.

This breakthrough followed by modern electronic money version Today, there is an international banking ecosystem, which consists of banknotes, credit / debit cards, derivatives, stocks, bonds and more. It is a combination of human ingenuity and community commitment that encourages the need to find innovative solutions to address the best concepts of complex human interaction handling the exchange of values.

Digital currency represents the next level in the evolution of money. The technology behind this new form of money is called blockchain. It is entirely driven by mathematics and completely decentralized. Especially, unlike all previous forms of money, crypto can not be manipulated. this is essentially money 2.0.

What is TOKENPAY ?

TokenPay is a blockchain project that incorporates bitcoin cryptography technology with previous security and privacy features. In addition, TokenPay is building a platform that combines closed banking and private exchange. This allows the wider adoption of coins through consumer and merchant services. developing tokenpaycoin and the infrastructure to support its daily use is an important step.

The TokenPay platform has been designed to combine the strengths of an established banking institution with the flexibility and future potential of cryptocurrency. This network enables the exchange of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other major emergency crypts by bridging the transition gap to fiat. It also allows unlimited user access to cryptocurrency funds at point-of-sale merchants and ATM locations worldwide.

Users will have the ability to store Bitcoin and other cryptoes in a secure and insured wallet similar to what customers in regular banks provide fiat accounts. As a result, Counterparty Risk is naturally minimized with licensed and bonded banks. Token TPAY sales funds are intended to be used to complete banking acquisitions. This bank will operate in a way that will meet and understand the uniqueness of the needs of global cryptocurrency holders.

TokenPay's goal is to help clients to facilitate 
commonly encountered crypts on hard asset transactions with ease. Why does TokenPay base its Blockchain from Bitcoin? In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto released the whitepaper and source code from Blockchain Bitcoin Nakamoto's goal was to create a digital currency. One that is not centralized by government or federal reserve. It's open source and allows other cryptographers to fix the code. By 2017, various developers have produced many different cryptoes. All claims to have superior technology. However, Bitcoin still dominates the market.

Two Fundamental Differences between PAY and Bitcoin
  1. Proof-work or PoW is a capital-intensive process for obtaining Bitcoin. Every entity With the right tools and knowledge of the blockchain can "mine" or earn Bitcoin. The process of mined bitcoin consists of the acquisition of expensive computers or "mining equipment" which uses the power of processing chips and electrical graphics to solve advanced mathematical puzzles.
  2. When the puzzle is solved, the computer confirms the transaction which allows it to get Bitcoin in return. By 2017, the cost of mining a single Bitcoin is reached in excess of USD $ 1000. The less Bitcoin available as a cost award will only increase with increasing competition for mining.
  3. TokenPay SCI or Secure Communication Interface
All messages sent and received are encrypted by proven AES-256-CBC Algorithms and are distributed among nodes in such a way as to prevent the recipient's messages being unhamphed or viewed by anyone it is not intended for, even if the hacker can see the entire network and run the network node.

Six Features TokenPay

Multi-Signature Transactions

Standard transactions on the TokenPay network could be called “single-signature transactions,” because transfers require only one signature — from the owner of the private key associated with the TPAY address. However, the TokenPay P2P network supports much more complicated transactions that require the signatures of multiple people before the funds can be transferred. These are often referred to as M-of-N transactions. The idea is that TPAY coins become “encumbered” by providing addresses of multiple parties, thus requiring the cooperation of those parties.

Ring Signatures
In cryptography, a ring signature is a type of digital signature that can be performed by any member of a group of users that each have keys. Therefore, a message signed with a ring signature is endorsed by someone in a particular group of people. One of the security properties of a ring signature is that it should be computationally infeasible to determine which of the group members' keys were used to produce the signature.

Dual-Key Stealth Addresses
These addresses are different from the standard addresses commonly used in cryptocurrencies and allow for better privacy. A dual-key stealth address can be shared publicly by the recipient yet any transaction made out to this address cannot be linked back to it.  When the stealth address has been revealed to the payer(s),  it will enable the payee to receive infinite unlinkable payments. Meaning that each payment to a Stealth address computes a new unused normal address on which the funds ought to be received, any eavesdropper will be unable to link the two addresses.

TPAY combines these features available to make the user experience a private and secure one.

Zero-Knowledge Proof
In cryptography, a zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true, without conveying any information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true.
If proving the statement requires knowledge of some secret information on the part of the prover, the definition implies that the verifier will not be able to prove the statement in turn to anyone else, since the verifier does not possess the secret information.

Tor Network Integration
Tor is a distributed overlay network designed to anonymize low-latency TCP-based applications such as web browsing, secure shell, and instant messaging. Clients choose a path through the network and build a “circuit'', in which each node (or onion router) in the path knows its predecessor and successor, but no other nodes in the circuit. Traffic flowing down the circuit is sent in fixed-size "cells," which are unwrapped by a symmetric key at each node (like the layers of an onion) and relayed downstream.


2015 Q4
eFin . com beta version of the platform was launched in autumn 2015.

2016 Q2
Partnership with USTOCKTRADE and London Stock Exchange Tony Weersinghe.
Feature Presentation at the Fintech MIT Conference.

2016 Q4
Due to the tremendous user demand for blockchain assets, the founders shifted focus on cryptographic technology.
Presents the corporate headquarters in the British Virgin Islan privacy jurisdiction.

2017 Q1
The world class onboard team dev to build a safer and untraceable version of Bitcoin.
The integration of proprietary Tor network coin technology,
Built-in Stealth and Encrypted Messaging messaging system.

2017 Q2 
Launched Multi-Signature Transaction Engine, Released Linux, Windows, MacOS and Paper Wallets.

2017 Q3
Agree to get established bank, Added Ring Signature feature for TPAY blockfain.
Zero-Knowledge Proof advanced automation is added.

2017 Q4
Remove the TokenPay Token Sale Whitepaper.

2018 Q1
Completion of Token.T sales
add TPAY to the stock exchange.
TPAY Apple iOS Mobile Wallet.
Completion of Bank Integration due diligence

2018 Q2
TokenPay site launched for commercial use.
Complete acquisition or partnership from the Bank.
P2P multi-screen payment platform.
Application of global merchant services available.

2018 Q3 OR Q4
BlueDiamond debit card sent to account holder

TokenPay Bank to expand into new areas within APAC


Details Information :


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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

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