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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

Review ICO Genesis

About Genesis
GENESIS is an international real estate fund and multifunctional operating platform created on the basis of blockchain and digital technologies.
All invested funds are used for buying of real estate that become the property of the platform and form its assets, creating the basis for the future development and increase of the market value of project.

The innovative solutions realized in GENESIS provide the harmonic combination of classic methods of investments in real estate with the possibilities of the most progressive and modern achievements of digital economy.
The simplicity and convenience of investing, the exclusion of intermediaries, the elimination of borders and freedom of choice, stable guaranteed profit, the highest level of reliability and security of investments are the main features of GENESIS.

GENESIS platform is the united corporate structure that combines all the main features and legal aspects of classic company and technological decentralized projects created on the basis of blockchain technologies.

A clear and informative user interface with a system of private accounts will provide investors with all necessary information about the investment objects, interests and payments, transactions, the current market rate of assets and other information.

GENESIS will allow to invest in traditional investment tools, such as real estate, in a simple and convenient way. At the same time, it will give to investors the access to use the developing distributed economy of digital opportunities such as blockchain and cryptocurrency.

The Gеnеѕiѕ Initiаl Coin Offеring iѕ a рrоjесt аiming to сrеаtе grеаtеr transparency fоr invеѕtоrѕ in thе $70 trilliоn Aѕѕеtѕ Undеr Mаnаgеmеnt mаrkеt. I likе tо think оf thеir рrоjесt аѕ the “gluе” between ѕtаkеhоldеrѕ in thiѕ mаrkеt ѕеgmеnt, allowing for ѕmаrt contract-driven asset mаnаgеmеnt data trаnѕраrеnсу.

With trаnѕраrеnсу at the соrе of the Genesis Viѕiоn рrоjесt, thе tеаm hаd their Initial Coin Offеring certified by The Financial Cоmmiѕѕiоn successfully. Thе Finаnсiаl Cоmmiѕѕiоn is “аn indереndеnt ѕеlf-rеgulаtоrу оrgаnizаtiоn аnd external dispute rеѕоlutiоn bоdу, рrimаrilу dedicated to FOREX.” Thаt is not all — the GV tеаm wаѕ thе FIRST ICO сеrtifiеd bу Thе Financial Commission.

The simplicity and convenience of investing, the exclusion of intermediaries, the elimination of borders and freedom of choice, stable guaranteed profit, the highest level of reliability and security of investments are the main features of GENESIS.

January 25, 2018
Start of pre-registration!

April 1 - May 15, 2018
Initial ITO of project

May 2018
Transferring tokens to the partners' personal accounts

May – June 2018
Evaluation, purchase and registration of real estate.

June 2018
Launch of online platform.
Start of operating activities and launch of office

July 2018
Development of mobile application for investor's user accounts.

October 2018
First payment to investors. Launch of platform's internal exchange (GDEX)

IV quarter of 2018
Token pool offering. Bringing the value of company's assets
up to €50–60 million. Launch of first special project.

2019 year
Listing of GES token on exchanges. Token pool offering.
Bringing the value of company's assets up to €100–120 million.

2020 year
Token pool offering. Bringing the value of company's assets
up to €250–300 million in the nominal GES token value.

Information About This ICO, You can Visit Link Below :

IСO [01 April 2018 - 15 May 2018]


Author: Nurma.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1080284
ETH : 0xe6068eEEfeC51cA6a04d327B936035d123FE1098


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Hello, I'm  Nurm . Come back again with me. Now, I will tell you about DAB So, check this out !!! 1. WHAT IS DAB TOKEN? Dabanking is one of decentralized gaming platform. This platform can be used by the user in two purposes. The first purpose is to entertain because this platform has some recommended game. The second purpose is to get the benefit. The benefit can get by the user after having activity in DAB Token. The benefit can be in the form of Ethereum, DAB Token reward, treasure package or increase the value. What is DAB Token? DAB Token is utilities token in Dabanking platform. 2. THE DISTRIBUTION PLAN OF DAB TOKEN DAB Token can be used for the development of Dabanking community. How about the distribution plan? The distribution plan divided into five distribution, those are : 1. two percent of DAB Token is for reserve DAB Token like swap DAA Token 2. ninety percent of DAB Token is for DAB Token reserve fund 3. two percent of DAB Token is for a...

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